# Customize other popular themes

If you are using one of the following bundelb2b approved theme, please follow this instruction to customize the theme after you finished the quick start steps.

# Camden

  • assets/scss/b3/theme.scss

    add the following code at the end of the file:

    // Hide the page when initializing to solve the problem of page flashing
    .page_type_editaccount {
      .account {
        form {
          display: none;
    .page_type_account_recentitems {
      .account {
        display: none;
    .navBar--account {
      display: none;
    //action buttons
    .productView {
      .productView-options {
        .form {
          .button {
            margin-bottom: 1rem;
        //pdp page add to quote button
        .rfq-button-container.rfq-cart-button-container {
          .button {
            margin-top: 1rem;
        // add to shopping list button
        .form-action {
          margin-top: 0;
          a[data-dropdown="quick-shoppinglist-dropdown"] {
            margin-bottom: 0;
          a[data-dropdown="shoppinglist-dropdown"] {
            margin-bottom: 0;
        // input number
        .form-field[data-product-attribute="input-number"] {
          input {
            width: 40%;
    // saleRep search input  
    .saleRep {
      .b2b-wrap {
        .search {
          input {
            padding-right: 1rem !important;
    // saleRep head container
    .salerep-infobox {
      .container {
        @include breakpoint("large") {
          padding: 0 6rem !important;
    // header account dropdown 
    header.header {
      .header__inner {
        z-index: 31;
    // cart page add to cart & quote
    .cart__totals {
      .cart-actions {
        display: block;
        width: 100%;
        .rfq-cart-button-container {
          button {
            margin-top: 0;
    // buy again page  
    .buy-again-search-container {
      width: 95%;
    // order detail page
    .b2b-order-details {
      .order-list-container {
        .account-product-checkItem {
          label::after, label::before {
            top: 0 !important;
  • assets/js/theme/global.js

    export default class Global extends PageManager {
        onReady() {
         // other code
         // add the following code
            window.b3themeConfig.useJavaScript = {
                login: {
                    callback(instance) {
                            width: '100%',
                        const { B3RoleId } = instance.utils.B3Storage;
                        const roleId = B3RoleId.value;
                        const hideWishList = () => {
                                [href^="/wishlist.php"] {
                                    display: none!important;
                        const renderMobileNavs = () => {
                            if (!instance.isMobile) return;
                            $('#navPages-account .navPage-subMenu-list .b3-navs').remove();
                                containerSelector: '#navPages-account .navPage-subMenu-list',
                                navItemClassName: 'navPage-subMenu-item b3-navs',
                        const renderDropDownMenu = () => {
                                containerSelector: '#accountOptions',
                                navItemClassName: 'dropdown-menu-item b3-dropdown-menu',
                                insertType: 'afterbegin',
                            // is show invoice in dropdown menu
                            if (instance.canShowB2BNav && instance.haveIPPermission) {
                                const invoiceEl = `<li class="dropdown-menu-item b3-dropdown-menu ">
                                                    <a class="" href="/invoices/">Invoices</a>
                                $('#accountOptions li:first-child').before(invoiceEl);
                                $('.dropdown-menu .navBar-action').removeClass('navBar-action');
                            const isSaleRep = roleId === '3';
                            const { B3CompanyId, B3AddressBookIsEnabled } = instance.utils.B3Storage;
                            const companyId = B3CompanyId.value;
                            const addressBookEnabled = B3AddressBookIsEnabled.value;
                            // b2b address book
                            if (addressBookEnabled === '1') {
                                $('#accountOptions .dropdown-menu-item [href="/account.php?action=address_book"]').remove();
                            // restyle the end masquerade box
                            const timer = isSaleRep && companyId && setInterval(() => {
                                const $innerBox = $('.header__inner .salerep-infobox');
                                if ($innerBox.length) {
                                    if (instance.isMobile) {
                                            paddingBottom: 40,
                                            .salerep-infobox {
                                                top: 150px !important;
                                            .salerep-infobox.saler-extends:before {
                                                border-top: 10px solid #ebebeb!important;
                                                border-bottom: 10px solid #ebebeb!important;
                        const bindMasqueradAction = () => {
                            ((selectors) => {
                                selectors.forEach(selector => {
                                    $('body').on('click', selector, async () => {
                                        await instance.getIsShowAddressBook();
                                        const { B3CompanyId } = instance.utils.B3Storage;
                                        const prevCompanyId = B3CompanyId.value;
                                        const timer = setInterval(() => {
                                            const { B3CompanyId } = instance.utils.B3Storage;
                                            const currCompanyId = B3CompanyId.value;
                                            if (prevCompanyId !== currCompanyId) {
                            })(['[action-begin-masquerade]', '[end-masquerade]']);
                        const hideJuniorSaw = () => {
                            const isJunior = roleId === '2';
                            if (isJunior) {
                                // cart add to cart
                                $('.card-section--buttons.card-section--quantity, .card-section--buttons ').remove();
                                // header quick add sku to cart
                                // side cart
                        if (roleId) {
  • templates/components/products/product-view.html

    add the folloing code at the end of the file:

    <a aria-controls="quick-shoppinglist-dropdown" aria-expanded="false" class="button dropdown-menu-button c00436" data-dropdown="quick-shoppinglist-dropdown" style="display: none;">
        <span>Add to Shopping List</span>
        <i aria-hidden="true" class="icon c00437">
                <use xlink:href="#icon-chevron-down"></use>

# Cornerstone

  • assets/scss/theme.scss

    add the folloing code at the end of the file:

    // Hide the page when initializing to solve the problem of page flashing
    .page_type_editaccount {
      .account {
        form {
          display: none;
    .page_type_account_recentitems {
      .account {
        display: none;
    .navBar--account {
      display: none;
    .modal-close:focus::after, .modal-close:focus::before {
      display: none;
    #add-to-cart-wrapper {
        .form-action {
            margin-top: 0;
        .rfq-button-container.rfq-pdp-button-container {
            display: flex !important;
    .tingle-modal-box {
      background-color: stencilColor('container-border-global-color-base') !important;
    .b2b-wrap table tr:hover {
      background-color: stencilColor('optimizedCheckout-orderSummary-borderColor') !important;
    #invoice-detail-pending .invoice-detail-pending {
      background-color: stencilColor('container-border-global-color-base') !important;
    .dropdown-menu.show-action {
      background-color: stencilColor('optimizedCheckout-orderSummary-borderColor');
      width: unset!important;
    .cart-info {
      color: stencilColor('color-textLink--active');
    .file-upload-drop {
      color: stencilColor('color-textLink--active');
    .card-figcaption-body > button{
      width: 100%;
    .card-figcaption-body input {
    button#add_to_cart {
      border-color: stencilColor('button--primary-backgroundColor');
      background-color: stencilColor('button--primary-backgroundColor');
    #navPages-account {
        .navPage-subMenu-list {
            .navPage-subMenu-action.navPages-action {
                padding-left: 0;
    #shopping_list_table .product-options {
        color: inherit !important;

# 22 Savile Row

  • templates/layout/base.html

    add the following code inside the head tag:

    {{inject "customer" customer}}
    {{inject "store_hash" settings.store_hash}}
    {{inject "settings" settings}}
    {{inject "page_type" page_type}}
    {{inject "template" template}}
    {{inject "currency_selector" currency_selector}}
  • assets/js/theme/global.js

    export default class Global extends PageManager {
        onReady() {
            // other code
            // add the following code
            window.b3themeConfig.useJavaScript = {
                login: {
                    callback() {
                        const { B3RoleId } = window.B3Storage;
                        const roleId = B3RoleId.value;
                        const hideWishList = () => {
                                [href^="/wishlist.php"] {
                                    display: none !important;
                        if (roleId) {
  • assets/scss/theme.scss

    add the folloing code at the end of the file:

    // Hide the page when initializing to solve the problem of page flashing
    .page_type_editaccount {
      .account {
        form {
          display: none;
    .page_type_account_recentitems {
      .account {
        display: none;
    .navBar--account {
      display: none;
    [data-shoppinglist-add] {
      position: relative;
    .shopping-list-status {
      #shopping-list-status {
        width: 180px;
    #modal-user-management-new-form {
      margin: 0!important;
    .swal2-popup {
      background: stencilColor("body-bg")!important;
    table>tbody>tr .dropdown-menu {
      background: stencilColor("navPages-subMenu-backgroundColor")!important;
    // login
    .new-customer .panel .panel-body {
      color: stencilColor("color-textBase");
    // quote list table
    #quote-list-container {
      .actions-field {
        .dropdown-menu {
          min-width: 100px;
          left: -24px;
    // bottom cart container
    footer.footer {
      .bottom-cart-container {
          z-index: 30 !important;
    // quick order pad
    .quick-order-pad .table-toolbar {
      overflow: unset !important;

# Supermarket

  • templates/layout/base.html

    add the following code inside the script tag:

        const inPages = () => {
            const urlArray = [          
            const current = window.location.pathname;
            return urlArray.includes(current);
        if(!inPages()) {
            document.querySelector('.body').style.display = "block";
        if (inPages()) {
            const style = document.createElement('style');
            style.innerHTML = '.page-sidebar{display:none;} .page .page-content {width: 100% !important;}';
  • assets/js/theme/global.js

    export default class Global extends PageManager {
        onReady() {
         // other code
          // add the following code
            window.b3themeConfig.useContainers = {
                'dashboard.endMasquerade.container': '.emthemesModez-header-userSection.emthemesModez-header-userSection--logo-left',
                'buyAgain.container': '.container .page .page-content',
  • assets/scss/theme.scss

    add the folloing code at the end of the file:

    // Hide the page when initializing to solve the problem of page flashing
    .page_type_editaccount {
      .account {
        form {
          display: none;
    .page_type_account_recentitems {
      .account {
        display: none;
    .navBar--account {
      display: none;
      .input-text {
        padding: 0;
          padding: 0;
          text-align: center;
    .b2b-wrap.title-wrap {
      position: inherit!important;
    .productView-options [data-shoppinglist-add]{
      width: 100%!important;
      margin-top: 0;
    .rfq-form-wrapper .form-container .products-container .product-list-item-container .form-input {
      min-width: 100px !important;
    .rfq-button-container.rfq-cart-button-container .button {
      margin: 1rem!important;
    .sidebarBlock .productList .listItem-buttons .button, .productList--maxCol1 .listItem-buttons .button, .productList--maxCol4 .listItem-buttons .button {
      margin: 0!important;
    .b2b-wrap .title-wrap {
      position: unset!important;
    // add to quote button
    #add-to-cart-wrapper {
      .rfq-pdp-button-container {
        .add-to-quote {
          margin-top: 1.5rem;
    // my quote quantity countPill
    #my-quote-entry {
      position: relative;
      .quote-quantity.countPill {
        min-width: unset !important;
        margin: 0;
        right: 0;
        top: -16px;

# Vault

  • assets/scss/theme.scss

    add the folloing code at the end of the file:

    // Hide the page when initializing to solve the problem of page flashing
    .page_type_editaccount {
      .account {
        form {
          display: none;
    .page_type_account_recentitems {
      .account {
        display: none;
    .navBar--account {
      display: none;
    .button.active {
        color: inherit!important;
    .button {
      color: inherit;
      border-color: #2f2f2b;
    .button:hover {
      color: inherit;
      border-color: #2f2f2b;
    .button--primary {
      color: white;
      border-color: #e74c3c;
    .button--primary:hover {
      color: white;
      border-color: #ff762b;
    .pagination {
      width: auto!important;
    .pagination-item.pagination-item--next > a.pagination-link {
      padding: 6px 6px 4px 19px !important;
    .swal2-container {
      z-index: 100009!important;
    .shopping-list-status .form-select {
      width: 180px;
    #shopping_list_table .col-action {
      padding-bottom: 0!important;
    td.col-action .action-wrap .action-lists {
      position: relative!important;
    #pc-quickorderpad-entry {
      display: flex;
      min-width: 150px;
    #my-quote-entry {
      display: flex;
      min-width: 120px;
    #quickSearch {
      min-width: 250px !important;
      padding-left: 0 !important;
    .b2b-loading-overlay {
      z-index: 99999!important;
    header div#menu {
      z-index: 999!important;
    .salerep-infobox {
      z-index: 1000!important;
    .tingle-modal {
      z-index: 100000!important;
    .account-orderStatus-label {
        color: stencilColor('color-textBase')!important;
    .previewCartAction-viewCart {
        padding-left: unset!important;
    #shopping_list_table .col-action .action-lists {
      width: 176px!important;
      bottom: -18px!important;
    .rfq-form-wrapper .form-container {
      z-index: 100000!important;
    #account-dropdown-signout-list .navBar--sub {
      margin-bottom: 0;
    .modal-background {
      z-index: 100004;
    #previewModal {
      z-index: 100005 !important;
    #modal {
      z-index: 100005!important;
    .modal {
      z-index: 100005!important;
    .quotes .quotes-search-form {
      line-height: normal !important;
    #quote-list-container {
      .dropdown-menu.show-action {
          width: unset !important;
    #add-to-cart-wrapper {
      .rfq-button-container.rfq-pdp-button-container  {
        .add-to-quote {
          border-radius: 25px;
  • assets/js/theme/global.js

    export default class Global extends PageManager {
        onReady() {
         // other code
         // add the following code
            window.b3themeConfig.useText = {
                'global.required.label': '*',
            window.b3themeConfig.useContainers = {
                'tpa.button.container--s': '.navPages .sticky-navpages',
                'quickOrderPad.button.container--s': '.navPages .sticky-navpages',
                'dashboard.endMasquerade.container': '.logo-user-section.container',
                'orders.container': 'main.account',
                'buyAgain.container': '.container .page .page-content',
            window.b3themeConfig.useJavaScript = {
                login: {
                    callback(instance) {
                        const { B3RoleId } = instance.utils.B3Storage;
                        const roleId = B3RoleId.value;
                        const hideWishList = () => {
                          [href^="/wishlist.php"], [action^="/wishlist.php"] {
                            display: none !important;
                        const renderMobileNavs = () => {
                            if (!instance.isMobile) return;
                            $('.navPages .sticky-navpages .b3-mobile-nav').remove();
                            const $navs = $('.navBar--account .navBar-section').eq(0).children('.navBar-item');
                            $('.navPages .sticky-navpages').append($navs);
                                containerSelector: '.navPages .sticky-navpages',
                                navItemClassName: 'navPages-item b3-mobile-nav',
                                insertType: 'beforeEnd',
                        const hideJuniorSaw = () => {
                            const isJunior = roleId === '2';
                            if (isJunior) {
                                // pdp
                        const renderDropDownMenu = () => {
                            $('#account-dropdown-signout-list .b3-dropdown-menu').remove();
                                containerSelector: '#account-dropdown-signout-list .navBar-section',
                                navItemClassName: 'navBar-item signout-list b3-dropdown-menu',
                                insertType: 'afterbegin',
                            // is show invoice in dropdown menu
                            if (instance.canShowB2BNav && instance.haveIPPermission) {
                                const invoiceEl = `<li class="navBar-item signout-list b3-dropdown-menu">
                                                    <a class="navBar-action" href="/invoices/">Invoices</a>
                                $('#account-dropdown-signout-list li:first-child').before(invoiceEl);
                        const bindMasqueradAction = () => {
                            ((selectors) => {
                                selectors.forEach(selector => {
                                    $('body').on('click', selector, async () => {
                                        await instance.getIsShowAddressBook();
                                        const { B3CompanyId } = instance.utils.B3Storage;
                                        const prevCompanyId = B3CompanyId.value;
                                        const timer = setInterval(() => {
                                            const { B3CompanyId } = instance.utils.B3Storage;
                                            const currCompanyId = B3CompanyId.value;
                                            if (prevCompanyId !== currCompanyId) {
                            })(['[action-begin-masquerade]', '[end-masquerade]']);
                        if (roleId) {
  • assets/temlates/layout/home.html and product.html

    add the following code to script tag:

      // Exported in app.js
      window.stencilBootstrap("{{page_type}}", {{jsContext}}).load();
    	+ window.jsContext = JSON.parse({{jsContext}})

    add the following code to head tag:

    {{~inject "customer" customer}}
    {{~inject 'store_hash' settings.store_hash}}
    {{~inject "settings" settings}}
    {{~inject "page_type" page_type}}
    {{~inject "currency_selector" currency_selector}}
  • If you are using Vault-1.1.2+, please use the following links to do some extra configuration. templates/layout/base.html add the following code to head tag:

    {{inject 'themeSettings' theme_settings}}

# Roots

  • assets/js/theme/global.js

    export default class Global extends PageManager {
        onReady() {
            // other code
            // add the following code
            window.b3themeConfig.useContainers = {
                'pdp.shoppinglist.container': '#product_detail_page_action',
                'dashboard.endMasquerade.container': '.header-logo--wrap',
  • assets/scss/theme.scss

    add the folloing code at the end of the file:

    // Hide the page when initializing to solve the problem of page flashing
    .page_type_editaccount {
      .account {
        form {
          display: none;
    .page_type_account_recentitems {
      .account {
        display: none;
    .navBar--account {
      display: none;
    #search_button {
      background-color: stencilColor('button--default-backgroundColorHover');
      border-color: stencilColor('button--default-borderColor');
      color: white;
    .button.button--small.dropdown-menu-item a {
      color: white !important;
    .table-wrap .dropdown-menu .button a {
      padding: 7px 10px !important;
    .button.modal-close.modal-close--button {
      color: white !important;
    #new_shopping_list_form {
      .form-actions {
        input {
          height: 38px !important;
    #shoppingList-pagination {
      width: 100%;
    #add-new-shopping-list {
      display: inline-block;
    #save_new_address {
      height: 38px !important;
    #filter_open_button {
      display: inline-block !important;
    .logo-wrap a {
      line-height: inherit !important;
    .button-status-reject {
      display: inline-block !important;
    #filter_apply_button {
      display: inline-block;
    #shopping-list-pagination {
      float: unset !important;
    .productView-options .form-action {
      margin-top: 0 !important;
    .quotes-filter-form {
      .filter-fields {
        .filter-status {
          width: unset;
    // invoice payment pagination
    #payment-pagination {
      float: none !important;